

Town Board

3-18-2021 Work Session Sound Recording

Town Board

Draft Local Law No. 2 - A local law to establish the residency requirements for the appointed office of Comptroller

Canton Woods Senior Center

Help for Homebound Seniors

Town Clerk

Chase Cemetery RFP


Assessor's Report


Intermunicipal Agreement with Town of Granby (road maintenance)

Town Board

3-4-2021 Work Session Sound Recording

Town Board

TOL Expenditure of Highway Moneys (Pavement Management Plan)

Town Board

BCSD Capital Improvements Plan SEQR


Highway Pavement Management Plan (Mill/Fill 2021)

Town Board

Intermunicipal Wastewater Agreement

Town Board

2-18-2021 Work Session Sound Recording

Codes / Planning / Zoning

January 2021 Monthly Report of Code Enforcement Officer Building Permits

Town Board

The Town of Lysander has a new phone system which is currently being set up. Please be patient with us as we work to get it up and running. Thank you.

Fire Department

North West Fire District Zoom Meeting Notice 2-9-2021

Town Board

2-4-2021 Work Session Sound Recording (GBAC and WEP presentations)

Town Board


Town Board

The 2-4-2021 Work Session will be held at 5:00 PM

Town Board

1-21-2021 Work Session Sound Recording

Codes / Planning / Zoning

December 2020 Report of Code Enforcement Officer Building Permits Issued