Justice Court
Court Location and Mailing Address
8220 Loop Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Office Hours
Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
After business hours, please use the drop box outside of the Court entrance.
Payment methods: Cash, money order, and bank certified checks. NO PERSONAL CHECKS accepted. Credit cards accepted with a 2.99% service fee. Neither the Court nor the Municipality receives any portion of this fee.
Pay online at www.paycourtonline.com or call 888-912-1541. A convenience fee will be added to the transaction.
If you are a defendant in a criminal matter, but cannot afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you at arraignment.
Small Claims, Evictions and Civil Filings
Filings are accepted: Monday through Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm
EVICTION Proceedings:
$20 Filing Fee. The Court does NOT provide the filing documents.
Small Claim Matters:
NYCourts.gov, Click on Topics A-Z and scroll to Small Claims
Small Claims are filed with the Court Clerk. The party you are filing against must live, work or have a place of business in the Town of Lysander. They must receive their mail in the Town of Lysander. You must provide the Court the exact mailing address NOT a Post Office Box. The allowable maximum amount to claim is $3000. For claims up to $1000 the filing fee is $10. For claims over $1000 the filing fee is $15. You must contact the court for Small Claims paperwork. For more information you may pick up a SMALL CLAIMS BOOKLET at the court office or you may view the New York State Guide to Small Claims Court by clicking the link below:
Traffic Tickets
Guilty Plea by Mail: If you wish to plead “Guilty” to a traffic violation by mail, please date and sign PART A of your ticket and remit it to the Court before the court date which is printed on the front of your ticket. Upon receipt, the Court will notify you in writing to indicate the fines and/or surcharges that may be due.
Not Guilty: If you wish to plead “Not Guilty” by mail, you must date and sign PART B of the ticket. Upon receipt of your “Not Guilty” plea, the Court will notify you on how to contact the District Attorney's Office with further instructions.
DMV Violations:
Points & DMV Fees: https://dmv.ny.gov/tickets/about-nys-driver-point-system
License Suspensions: https://dmv.ny.gov/tickets/suspensions-and-revocations
Vehicle & Traffic Instructions & District Attorney Contact Link:
When contacting the Onondaga County District Attorney, you will complete the Traffic Ticket Reduction Request on their website. Please include an uploaded copy of your ticket and a copy of your driving abstract/record - which you can download and print.
DA's Office: https://da.ongov.net/traffic-ticket-form/
DMV: https://dmv.ny.gov/dmv-records/get-my-own-driving-record-abstract
Criminal Court: Requests must be made in writing by the attorney. Mail or fax requests.
Traffic Court: For violations only (not misdemeanors). Requests can be made by mail, fax or phone call.
Small Claims: Adjournment requests made prior to the scheduled hearing must be done by mail to all parties. On the day of the scheduled hearing you or a representative MUST APPEAR to request an adjournment.
Evictions: No adjournments available.
Bail is posted to assure the appearance of a defendant on each and every court date until the case is closed. The bail posted will not be refunded until the case is closed and all fines are paid. A 3% poundage fee may be deducted from the bail amount depending on the outcome of the case. You must present your original bail receipt and photo ID when requesting the return of bail.
Suspended License and Warrants
To take care of a suspended license, come to the Court Clerk’s counter during office hours. Bring any forms sent to you in the mail concerning your suspension.
Warrants: You must surrender yourself to the Onondaga County Sheriff's Department or, to the NYS Troopers.
Town Of Lysander judges who are authorized to perform marriages:
Honorable Michael M. Bryant
Honorable Charles J. Mantione Jr.
Latest Notices
There are currently no notices of that type.