Frequently Asked Questions
What are Lysander Town Hall hours of business?
Summer Hours: June 18 through Labor Day: 8:30am to 4:00pm
Non Summer Hours: Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 4:30pm
Where is Lysander Town Hall located and how do I get there?
Town Hall is located at 8220 Loop Rd. in Baldwinsville. The office is in the Old SACC building on Loop Rd, accessible and visible from Rte. 31. You can access Loop Rd. on Rt. 31 between Willet Parkway Anhueser Busch or from West Entry Road in Radisson.
What is the phone number for...
- Parks & Recreation 315-635-5999
- Highway Department 315- 635-5551
- Canton Woods Senior Center 315- 638-4536
- SPCA for Dog Control 315-454-0928
Do you have a Notary and is there a charge?
Yes, there are Notaries in the Town Clerk’s Office and Planning Office. There is no charge to have documents notarized. Notaries are unable to notarize Wills and Trusts.
Do you pick up Christmas trees?
No, but the Highway Department will accept Christmas Trees for recycling. You may drop them off at 2730 West Entry Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Offices are open Monday thru Friday from 7am to 3pm. Call 315-635-5551 if you need additional information.
When does street sweeping start?
Weather permitting, sweeping starts the middle of March and continues until all the streets have been swept.
How do I sign up for the Star Program?
Consult the Assessor's department.
How do I get a dog license, marriage license, conservation licenses, or a handicap permit?
Consult the Town Clerk's department
When is the next Town Board, Zoning Board or Planning Board meeting?
Consult the Planning and Zoning Board Clerk at 315-638-4819. Meeting are also posted on our calendar.
How do I find out information on a recreation program or register for a program?
Consult the Parks & Recreation department.
Who do I contact for Trash Removal?
Butler Dispoal Systems, Inc.
864 Hannibal Street
PO Box 728
Fulton, NY 13019
Syracuse Haulers Waste Removal
6223 Thompson Road, Suite 1000
Syracuse, NY 13208
(315) 426-6771
Dependable Disposal
P.O. Box 300
Elbridge, NY 13060
(315) 689-9588
Waste Management, Inc.
4521 Steelway Blvd. North
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 457-5838
Morgan Rubbish Removal, Inc.
P.O. Box 300
Elbridge, NY 13060
(315) 689-9588
Does the Town pick up yard waste?
No but contact the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency for more information.
People who live in Radisson have yard waste pick-up, as they are in an HOA.
Can I register to vote or change my voting status at Town Hall?
You can pick up applications at any Town Office and mail them to the Onondaga County Board of Elections. The Town Clerk's Office also has absentee ballots available. You can also contact the Onondaga County Board of Elections to register or change your voting status: 315-435-8683