
Tax Receiver

Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

The Tax Receiver’s office distributes and collects Town, County and School tax bills for all property in Lysander. The office:

  • provides tax rates
  • provides payment information
  • provides copies of tax receipts

New property owners in Lysander should notify the Tax Office as soon as possible. It takes time for changes in house ownership to be reported to the tax office and appear on the tax roll. Therefore, a tax bill may be sent to the previous owner until the changes are properly recorded in the formal tax roll. For your own protection call and inform the Tax Office of the address where you want your tax bill to be sent. It is each homeowner’s responsibility to make sure tax bills are sent to the correct address to ensure timely payment.

View and print your County, Town, School tax bills

For tax related questions, call: 315-638-0597 

Lastest Notices

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The last day to pay taxes without penalty is Wednesday, October 4, 2023
