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Athletic Fields & Courts
Athletic Fields & Courts
Basketball Court
- The court is available on a first come, first served basis. Suggested court time is 1-hour. If 1-hour has been exceeded, respectfully allow others to have their time on the court. If no one else is waiting to play, please enjoy your court time indefinitely.
- Any form of activity other than basketball is prohibited.
- Food and beverages other than water are prohibited on the courts.
- Proper footwear required; Black or Hard soled shoes prohibited.
- The use of a court may be reserved 24-hours in advance, $15.00 per hour, through the Lysander Parks & Recreation Department; 315-635-5999.
- Scheduled programs, or reserved use will be posted 24-hours in advance.
- If assistance is needed, seek the help of a Park Attendant, call: 315-635-2661, or 315-635-5999.
- Hanging from the rim, or the net is prohibited.
Athletic Fields
- Athletic fields are available to non-organized use on a first come, first served basis. Suggested use time is 1-hour. If 1-hour has been exceeded, respectfully allow others to have their time on the court. If no one else is waiting to play, please enjoy your court time indefinitely.
- The use of any athletic field by any organized team or association requires a reservation. A field may be reserved 24-hours in advance, $30.00 per hour, through the Lysander Parks & Recreation Department; 315-635-5999.
- Scheduled programs, or reserved use will be posted 24-hours in advance.
- If assistance is needed, seek the help of a Park Attendant, call: 315-635-2661, or 315-635-5999.
- Only in extreme cases of poor conditions due to weather and use will the Parks and Recreation Department make an athletic field unavailable.
- Please use discretion and sound judgement when deciding to use an athletic field immediately following a weather event.
Pickleball / Tennis Court
- Courts are open on a first come, first served basis. Suggested court time is 1-hour. If 1-hour has been exceeded, respectfully allow others to have their time on the court. If no one else is waiting to play, please enjoy your court time indefinitely.
- Court hours: 7:30 AM — DUSK.
- Proper footwear required; Black or Hard soled shoes prohibited.
- Courts are prohibited from any use other than Pickleball or Tennis.
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Any type of pet is prohibited within the fenced area.
- Glass containers of any kind are prohibited.
- Food and beverages other than water are prohibited on the courts.
- Please clean up after yourself.
- Court maintenance equipment must remain inside the fenced area.
- The use of a court may be reserved 24-hours in advance, $15.00 per hour, through the Lysander Parks & Recreation Department; 315-635-5999.
- Scheduled programs, or reserved use will be posted 24-hours in advance.
- If assistance is needed, seek the help of a Park Attendant, call: 315-635-2661, or 315-635-5999.
- In the event of an emergency, call 911.